First Term 2025

Dear Parents and Pupils,

It’s almost the end of the first term already!

We will close the studio for the School Holidays after classes on Friday the 28th of March 2025 and reopen on the 8th of April 2025.

Michel will be away at the AIDT Summit so her classes will only resume on Monday the 15th of April.  Her classes will run as normal on Saturday the 29th of March to make up for this. 

We would like to extend a special welcome to all our new pupils and we hope you will all have a long and happy relationship with the Dance Dynamics family.

Class Timetables

You can view the timetables, as well as the terms and conditions, Uniforms, etc on our website at There is also a link there to our Facebook Group. We will also put copies of newsletters sent out on the website in case you miss something. Please refresh the browser when opening the website on your devices, as sometimes it just downloads from memory, instead of the latest updates.

Our Year Ahead……

2025 is once again going to be jam-packed and there are some optional extras that you may need to schedule some time for as well as put some money aside for.

1.  Talent Africa

This competition runs Regional and National competitions each year. Keep an eye on the website if you would like to do a solo at the competition. You will need to register yourself at Keep in mind that you will need to enter again for the nationals if you qualify, and the prices for Nationals are much higher than for Regionals. You are welcome to use festival solo’s for this competition as long as it is not a festival set solo. Please check with your teachers first.

Closing date for the Eastern Cape is the 11th of May 2025.

2.  Friendly City Dance Festival And Port Elizabeth Dance Festival    

These competitions will be running during August at the Savoy Theatre. Friendly City Dance Festival is first, followed by Port Elizabeth Dance Festival.

The Festivals are an optional extra activity. They are open to dancers who are five years and older. 

Fees start from R300 upwards, depending on how many dances you choose to participate in. 

We enter most of our Novices (Dancers who have never received a gold/dancers who have never danced a solo in a festival) at the Friendly City Dance Festival. Please let us know by the end of March if you would like to do both Festivals, as we need to register you at the Port Elizabeth Dance Festival, as they don’t take new dancers onto the system after this.

Please be aware that it is a requirement at both festivals to agree to pictures being used on social media for marketing purposes. 

3.  RAD Exams

These are happening in October and the prices range from R450 upwards. 

Entries close roughly 8 weeks prior to the exams. If doing RAD exams, a full exam uniform must be purchased six months in advance. Children need to be coming twice a week from term 2 or they won’t be ready in time for exams. Ballet seniors generally require 3 classes to reach peak performance.  There are other options for pupils that attend once per week, so you can ask your teacher about those. 

4.  AIDT Exams

The AIDT Modern and Hip Hop Exams are taking place at the beginning of November.

Exam fees range from R300 upwards. Dancers need to be in the studio at least twice a week for modern (can include ballet classes) and know their work well by the end of the third term to do a modern exam. Hip Hop dancers also need to know their work well and understand the different styles.

5.  Concert

Our concert will take place on the 29th of November this year. Stage rehearsals will be on the 28th of November. The venue will be the Impetus Church Theatre in Circular Drive. Hide original message

Please make a note in your diaries as our dancers love participating in this. 

6. Street Dance Association League

This competition is open to all hip-hoppers who have danced for more than a year.

The provincial season starts in May and there is a once of R400 entry fee for all the competitions leading up to the nationals.

If qualifying for the nationals and taking part in the nationals the fee is R450 per athlete.

Dancing Fees:

Please note that fees need to be paid timeously, i.e in the month that they are due. Remember to use a reference number (S…..) and indicate the dancer’s name and surname after the reference number. Please make sure all cash payments are given to us in marked envelopes, as it is difficult for teachers to handle money and remember who it came from when they are busy with classes.

Dress Code:

Please wear appropriate dancewear to classes. there are increasing numbers of dancers arriving in baggy Tee’s and we can’t correct lines if we can’t see them. Hip hop dancers are allowed baggy clothes, but please wear a good sneaker to support your feet.


PE – Please do not park on the neighbor’s grass at the Weybridge Park studio. There is extra parking space in the park across the road. Please do not park in the driveway. 


A reminder that teachers can’t always answer their phones during lessons, so they will reply to your messages when they are free.

Please remember to message your teacher well in advance if you are missing a class. 

Recording Classes

With regards to the POPIA ACT, if you feel the need to video your child’s class, please make sure that the other parents, teacher and dancers in the class are all ok with you doing this. Many of our pupils have declined permission to use their photo’s and video’s on social media, so we need to take this into consideration.  

Yours in Dance,

Carrie, Cathy, and Michel

One thought on “Latest Newsletters”

  1. Hi,
    My name is Maryna.
    Please tell me more about your adult ballet classes.
    I’m playing tennis, but would be interested in basic ballet to improve balance and movement.
    I’m over 60😏

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