Whew, the festival is finally over.
Well done to all you brave girls who got up on that scary stage and danced your hearts out. You were all stars.
A special mention to the following girls who got Gold Awards.
5 – 6 Years:
Izaan Mostert
Abbygail Janse Van Rensburg
Catherine Paul
Este Smith
7 – 8 Years:
Jime Bezuidenhout
Jenna Murrel
Caitlyn Burton
9 – 10 years
Ilze Boolsen
Holly Whitfield x 2
Elandri Venter
Meredith van der Merwe
11 – 12 Years:
Johannette Cox
Steffany Botha
Storm Whitfield
13 – 14 Years:
Amber Freeman x 2
Izelle van der Westhuizen
15 – 16 Years:
Valmarie van Zyl