We did it differently this year. All our students choreographed their own dances and presented them on stage at the Savoy before our annual prize-giving. The ideas were fun and original.
Kareen Breytenbach very kindly agreed to be our judge for the day.
Well done to the following trophy winners for 2024:
Hip hop Senior – Gabrielle Erasmus
Hip hop Junior – Tyler Bennett
Senior Acro – Scoutt Mey-de Lange
Junior Acro – Leah Blumberg
Junior Modern – Amelia Liebenberg
Junior Modern – Karlien Smit
Senior Modern – Johzaan van Rooyen
Junior Ballet – Violet Browne
Junior Ballet – Joret Bekker
Senior Ballet – Nerisha Ramsamy
Senior Ballet – Ella Smit
Own Choreography Awards:
Personality Awards:
Spice Girls
Best Choreography:
La Llorona
Most Creative Group:
Playing Cards
Most Original Idea:
Little Aliens
Most Entertaining:
Let it Go and Break My Soul
Judges Personal Favorite:
Secret Garden
Choice of Music: