Jeffreys Bay Has Been Busy!

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Kunsfees 2022

The Jeffrey’s Bay branch of Dance Dynamics, run by Carrie Nissiotis, has had a super busy term so far, in-between all the sporting events that have been taking so much time out of dance practice.

On Thursday the 4th of August some of our dancers took part in the Stulting Kunsfees 2022. Our very own resident examiner Cathy Ballinger went to judge all the dancing items. The Kunsfees also showcased art, singing drama, and music. Some of the dancers were asked to perform in the prestige evening in September.

Here are some photos of our lovely dancers.

2 thoughts on “Jeffreys Bay Has Been Busy!”

  1. Have you got adult ballet classes.

    How much are dance classes for children.. ie various prices for kinds of dances amount of classses per week…


    1. Hi Eve,
      We do have adult ballet classes on a Wednesday Evening in Lorraine but you will need to contact Carrie on 083 419 8398 for her times in Jeffreys Bay. I will email you the new prices shortly.

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