Preparations for PEDF

After a busy few days of rehearsals we are finally just about there. We would like to wish all our dancers a happy and successful experience at the Dance Festival

Ballet Exam Results – Finally!

We are once again really proud of all our ballet pupils who all obtained either Merits or Distinctions for their RAD exams in May.   All the hard work certainly

Junior Ballet Exams

On the 25th and 26th of May, Joyce Myroff came to examine our girls.  We all had an exciting day.

Seniors do Ballet Exams

Some gorgeous photographs of our seniors. They were examined by Joyce Myroff last weekend.    

Port Elizabeth Dance Festival 2013

Well done to all our dancers who danced in the PEDF this year.  We are proud of all of you and you all did your best. These are the Gold

Badge Tests 2012

On Thursday the 25th of October, Helen Dean and Lindie Steenkamp came to judge our annual NSDT Badge Tests. The girls all came out beaming and we are proud of

Raffle Competition

A Big THANK YOU to all our pupils who supported the raffle competition.  Thanks to all those students who sold tickets to raise money for the Eastern Cape RAD Bursary

Concert Update

Well done to all of you who danced in our concert last night.  You all looked like stars and helped  to make the evening a huge success.  On behalf of

Genee Competition Port Elizabeth

On the 9th of September, the RAD Eastern Cape Panel held a competition to support the 2011 Genee competition that will be held in Cape Town in October. Three of