Some Holiday Homework For You…..


Here are some great stretches that you can try in the holidays to keep you strong and supple. Here are two great links for you to learn from.

Chic – Expressions Through Style

Concert 2016

Here is a teaser clip for you taken at our stage rehearsals on the 28th of November of our concert 2016. Can’t wait to see it in costume on Wednesday………

Modern And Hip Hop Exams 2016

Hip Hop Exams 2016

This year Margie Wells from Johannesburg came to examine our girls. Well done to all who danced, we are extremely proud of you. Here are some photographs of the dancers

Festival 2016

Wow, what a hectic two weeks we have had. Dance Festival 2016 is almost over and wow, you are all doing us proud.  A lot of you went and did

May Ballet Exams – Congratulations Students!

Well done to all our pupils for doing exceptionally well in the May Ballet Exams. We are very proud of you all. The results arrived earlier than expected this year,

Ballet Exams May 2016

We would like to give a huge thank you to Amelia and Mikayla- Leigh Lombard for the lovely donation of a selection of cool drinks and water which the dancers really

First Term Almost Gone Already

dance dynamics

We just can’t believe the first term of 2016 is already dead and gone. The time has flown past and as usual, there are not enough hours in the day

Seasons of Dance

Modern and Hip Hop Exams 2015

On the 4th, 5th, 8th and 10th of November we held our annual Modern and Hip Hop Exam Session at the Studio.             A very

Inspiration For You