Concert Update

Well done to all of you who danced in our concert last night.  You all looked like stars and helped  to make the evening a huge success.  On behalf of

Stultin Arts Festival

Well done to all the girls who entered the Stultin Arts Festival and did us proud. Here are the results. Esterlie Mare: Ballet Gold A++ (90%) Modern Gold A++ (90%)

Genee Competition Port Elizabeth

On the 9th of September, the RAD Eastern Cape Panel held a competition to support the 2011 Genee competition that will be held in Cape Town in October. Three of

Congratulations are in Order

Whew, the festival is finally over. Well done to all you brave girls who got up on that scary stage and danced your hearts out.  You were all stars. A

Well Done Girls!

Well done to everyone for getting through your RAD Exams so nicely.  A special mention here to all the girls who got distinction, which means that they achieved 75% or

Trophy Winners 2010

Dance Dynamics Trophy Winners for 2010.